Tips To Wake Early In The Morning (2024)

Tips To Wake Early In The Morning (2024)

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To begin with, there’s something really special about the early morning hours.

It feels like the entire world is still asleep, and you are in this serene atmosphere that is difficult to find during the day’s end.

Just you and your thoughts, with no engines honking, no noisy neighbors, or chaos. Even though the sun is slowly rising, it’s the ideal time to reflect, make plans, or just enjoy a cup of espresso.

Here, I give you tips to wake early in the morning. Some people believe that’s the best time to be creative. Perhaps you won’t paint the next Mona Lisa, but at least you’ll have a moment to reflect on what you need to harvest that day.

Let’s get real now.

Have you ever felt as like the day has passed you by before it even began, gotten up late, and hurried through everything?

It really is the worst. However, if you wake up early, you have time to yourself. You can glance at items on your to-do list before most people have even pressed the snooze button for the third time.

Waking up early gives you an advantage, whether it’s for a quick workout, planning your day, or even just eating breakfast like a responsible human being (instead of snatching a granola bar as you dash out the door).

Let’s talk about breakfast; it’s really important.

Now let’s get practical. Have you ever woken up late, rushed through everything, and felt like the day has already gone by before it even started?

It’s the worst, for real.

But if you get up early, you have some alone time.

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You can quickly review the tasks on your to-do list before the majority of people have even hit the snooze button a third time.

Whether it’s for a brief workout, organizing your schedule, or simply eating breakfast like a decent human being (instead of grabbing a granola bar as you rush out the door), getting up early has its advantages.

It’s necessary to discuss breakfast, so let’s get started.  

Research has indicated that those that rise early tend to be more cheerful, upbeat, and generally happier than those who wake up late.

It might be because they receive more sunshine than others, or it could be because by the time other people wake up, they have already spent half of their day.

In any case, there’s something about those early hours that seems to uplift your mood and give you a more optimistic attitude on the day.

The thing that nobody really discusses enough is that when you wake up early, you get a little bit of “me time”.

The early hours are entirely yours, whether you use it to read a book, practice meditation, work out, or just to gaze out the window and enjoy the silence.  

It’s similar like discovering a riddle that you were unaware existed throughout the day.

You are not required to respond to emails, interact with people, or perform any demanding tasks. It’s just you, taking care of what you need to accomplish while the industry catches up.

The worst part is that getting up early can really help you sleep better at night.

Yes, I know that sounds weird, but when you get up early, it seems like you exhaust yourself early in the evening. In this way, you have a far higher chance of falling asleep earlier, staying asleep longer, and waking up feeling rejuvenated.

Additionally, maintaining a regular sleep schedule is excellent for your general health.

You will therefore be sleeping like a baby at night instead of tossing and turning over.

Now, to be quite honest, the hardest thing about rising early is actually rising early.

Although it could be alluring to press the snooze button and tell yourself you’ll only need “simply 5 extra minutes,” we all know how that usually ends. The next thing you know, it’s been an hour, and you should be taking walks.

However, it gets easier if you develop an addiction to rising early. You start to feel more in control of your day, more energised, and, dare I say it, even proud of yourself for overcoming the morning.

Tips To Wake Early In The Morning

Tips To Wake Early In The Morning (2024)
1. Get your beauty sleep

Let’s start with the obvious: you’re asking for trouble if you go to bed in the middle of the night and then wait to wake up happy at five in the morning! Folks, it’s no longer magic. The key is to make sure you get enough sleep.

Try getting into bed early.  

I know it’s easier said than done, but it really does make a difference. Aim for about 7 or 8 hours of sleep per night. You’ll wake up feeling more like a normal human being and less like a zombie.

2. Set a consistent wake-up time

This is where things start to get complicated.

You must maintain consistency.

I understand that weekends seem to be the finest times to sleep in, but your body doesn’t realize it’s Saturday.

Maintaining a regular wake-up time, especially on the weekends, helps your body become adjusted to the schedule and, before you know it, you’ll be waking up at roughly the same time every day.

Crazy, huh?

3. Move your alarm across the room

Although this is an old trick, it truly does work like a charm.

It’s too clean to just push snooze if your alarm goes off on time after you. However, if it’s on the other side of the room, you should definitely stand up and take notice of it.

You’ll be halfway awake by the time you drag yourself from the bed and move across the room! Bonus points if you set an almost strict alarm; you’ll have to show it off as soon as you can.

4. Let the sunshine in

Our bodies respond to gentle, just like small sunflowers!

Open the curtains in the morning and let the light of day shine on you.

If it’s still quite dark when you wake up, try using a gentle bedside lamp that simulates daylight. It enables you to reset your internal clock and mental cues that indicate it’s time to move.

I promise you, it’s easier to wake up when your body perceives it as daytime.

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5. Have something to look forward to

It’s true that getting out of bed early is much harder when there’s nothing exciting to look forward to.

Attempt to think of something entertaining or inspiring for the morning, such as a nice meal, a quick workout, or some time for studying or watching a show. It becomes lot more enjoyable and less of a chore when you give yourself a reason to get up.

6. Start your day with movement

Even though it could be tempting to check your phone on your telecell smartphone first thing in the morning, try stretching, taking a short walk, or even doing some light exercise.

Your muscles become more active, blood starts circulating, and the drowsiness lifts.

It only takes a few jumping jacks or stretches to bring your body into “geared up mode”.

7. Avoid the late-night snacks

I get that those late-night munchies could be alluring, especially when Netflix asks if you’re still viewing.

However, consuming alcohol after midnight can interfere with your sleep. You may not get as much deep a sleep because your body is trying to digest as you are trying to relax. Choose lighter foods during the evening to ensure you get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated.

8. Prepare for success the night before

If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, try simplifying your life by arranging things the night before.

Prepare your breakfast, arrange your clothes, and get everything ready to go. In this manner, you won’t have to rush around trying to figure out what to eat or what to wear when you get up.

You’ll feel more at ease, and getting up won’t seem like such a difficult task.

9. Ease into it gradually

Don’t expect yourself to get out of bed at five in the morning if you’re used to waking up at nine.

Begin modest and attempt to rise fifteen minutes early each day until you reach your target hour. This method’s slowness gives your body a chance to change without catching your system off guard.

It’s like dipping your toes into bloodless water as opposed to diving right in.

10. Stay consistent, but don’t be too hard on yourself

Admit it—we’re all human. On certain days, you can forget to turn off the alarm or decide to sleep in a little later than intended. It’s alright! Don’t punish yourself for it. The key is to keep trying and get back on the correct path the next day.

Gradually, your body becomes accustomed to it, and rising early will no longer seem like a chore.

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